October 2015 - KCM Blog Skip to main content

Don’t Know Which Way to Go? When you have this from God, you’ll know what to do

by Gloria Copeland

One of the functions of the peace of God—the peace Jesus left with us (John 14:27)—is to help us know the will of God and to help us make decisions.

Long before I had any instruction in walking in the spirit, the Lord taught me from the Word how to hear from Him when making a decision.

Colossians 3:15 in The Amplified Bible says, “Let the peace (soul harmony which comes) from the Christ rule (act as umpire continually) in your hearts [deciding and settling with finality all questions that arise in your minds].” That peace is in you, if you’re born again. When you have to decide between two courses of action, let the peace of God—or the lack of peace—in your heart act as umpire and make a ruling on which way to go. When you have peace, the deep peace that comes from your heart, you’ll know what to do. But if you don’t have peace, if there’s unrest in your heart, you’ll know you’re making the wrong choice.

I use this method frequently. When someone suggests I take a particular action, follow a certain direction or do something in a specific way, I stop, examine my heart and say, “Do I have peace in my heart?”

Sometimes a course of action looks reasonable, sounds like the intelligent thing to do, and may even appeal to me, but before I make a move, I endeavor to find out what’s in my heart about the matter. I always try to go with my heart. When I don’t, when I do something just because it looks reasonable or because someone else thinks it’s the right thing to do, I usually regret it. When I find I’ve made a mistake, and it’s obvious I’ve chosen the wrong way, I look back at what I had in my heart at the time. Usually, I find that I allowed myself to be talked into something when I didn’t really have peace in my heart about it.

It pays to go with your heart! The peace of God will act as an umpire, deciding and settling all questions that arise in your mind. Learn to listen to the peace or lack of peace in your heart before you decide on a course of action. When peace is there—go for it! But when it’s not, just wait until peace comes.

Let peace rule, and peace will be the outcome

Was That Me, Lord, or Was That You?

3 Hints to Hearing the Lord’s Voice

by Gloria Copeland

I have asked believers all over the world this question: “When you think God may be directing you, do you say, ‘Was that me, Lord, or was that You?’” I believe this uncertainty to be the major drawback to our following God through our spirit, directed by the Holy Spirit.

Most serious Christians would do anything God told them to if they knew for sure they were being directed by God—if they heard Him with their natural ears or saw Him with their natural eyes. But most of the time God does not deal with us that way. He sent His Spirit to live in our spirit to constantly teach, enlighten and guide us. We must learn how to hear God in our spirit.

As we spend time daily praying in the spirit, it becomes easier for us to hear the direction of the Holy Spirit as He reveals His will to our spirit. Below are 3 hints to help discern the voice of the Lord.

Hint #1 – Recognize the Promptings

“So now we serve not under [obedience to] the old code of written regulations, but [under obedience to the promptings] of the Spirit in newness [of life]” (Romans 7:6, The Amplified Bible). We are no longer bound to obey written regulations, but we are still to serve by obeying the promptings of our reborn spirit, which is controlled by the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit communicates with our spirit. He dwells in our spirit.

I believe this is an area of confusion when we are learning to walk in the spirit. As the Lord was clarifying this to me, He made me realize that most of the time I would hear my own spirit speaking to my soul, which is my mind, my will and my emotions. The audible voice of the Lord is rare in most of our lives. Almost every leading we will receive in everyday life will be a prompting, an impression, a thought, an inward witness, a leading or an unction from our spirit.

The reason it sounds like us is because it is ourselves that we hear. The Holy Spirit communicates with our spirit, and our spirit prompts, or enlightens, our mind. “But the person who is united to the Lord becomes one spirit with Him” (1 Corinthians 6:17, The Amplified Bible). The key word united in Greek means “to glue or cement together.” Jesus said, “If a man love me, he will keep my words: and my Father will love him, and we will come unto him, and make our abode with him” (John 14:23). This describes being joined, or united, to the Lord.

When we start our day by praying the will of God by the Holy Spirit, many times we will have already prayed concerning the problems we will face during the day. We will perceive an interpretation, a prompting, an impression, a word or a sentence that will enlighten us and give us the answer to the situation. It will be so natural to us that we might not even realize it is the Holy Spirit leading and revealing Himself to us. Things that would have been stumbling blocks to us before will now be handled with ease by hearing and obeying the will of God as the Holy Spirit leads us.

Hint #2 – Trust the Voice of the Spirit

We need to learn to instantly obey the voice of our spirit. I don’t think there is any way to cultivate this communion between the Holy Spirit and our spirit, and between our spirit and our mind, except by spending time in prayer and in the Word of God. We read that the Holy Spirit teaches by comparing spiritual things with spiritual. Hebrews 4:12 says, “For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any twoedged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit.”

Only the Word of God will separate or differentiate between the soul and the spirit. Our soul relies on natural knowledge to form its opinions until natural knowledge is replaced by the supernatural knowledge of God. In Romans 12:2, this process of replacing the thoughts of natural, carnal man with the thoughts of God is called “the renewing of your mind.”

You might be asking, “How can I tell the difference and be sure when it is God or just me?” You will have to begin a quest for the things of God. The Scripture lets us know that if we seek God, we will find Him. Spiritual things do not come without serious effort.

We are told in Hebrews 11:6 that “without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him.” We know that we have to approach God in faith—that is, without being able to see proof in the natural realm. We must learn to believe Him without seeing Him. From that verse we also find another key to knowing God: He is the rewarder of those who diligently seek Him.

Hint #3 – Give God Entrance

There is no selfish, easy way to walk with God while we live in the earth and in a natural body. We will do it God’s way or not at all.

His way is for us to serve Him with our whole spirit, soul and body. We have to change our thoughts, opinions and actions to agree with His. God wants us to live the rest of our time in this earth not conforming to the will of man, or to our own will, but conforming to His will. When we put ourselves in a position of obedience, we give God the freedom to overwhelm the natural circumstances of this life with His supernatural power.

Remember God’s Word comes to us in two ways: (1) by the written Word, and (2) by the Holy Spirit speaking to our spirit. We begin with the assurance that God’s written Word is our sure word. The Holy Spirit will never lead you contrary to the written Word of God. If you receive a prompting that is in opposition to the written Word, you will know it is not from the Holy Spirit.

Simply ask the Holy Spirit to teach you how to follow Him. Give Him control of your life and He will reveal to you the will of God, step by step. He knows how to bring you to maturity. All He requires of you is your attention and your obedience.

Does Your Heart Agree With Heaven?

by Kenneth Copeland

Time is running out. All you have to do is read your Bible to know it. We’ve moved into the final days of this age—days so difficult and dangerous that Jesus Himself talked about them during His earthly ministry and told us how to handle them.

And as he sat upon the mount of Olives, the disciples came unto him privately, saying, Tell us, when shall these things be? and what shall be the sign of thy coming, and of the end of the world? And Jesus answered and said unto them, Take heed that no man deceive you. For many shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ; and shall deceive many. And ye shall hear of wars and rumours of wars: see that ye be not troubled: for all these things must come to pass (Matthew 24:3-6).

Notice that right in the middle of His description of these perilous times, Jesus gave us a direct and powerful command. He told us in six simple words what we must do to live safely and victoriously in these last days.

He said, “See that ye be not troubled.”

Then He went on and warned us in detail of the trouble ahead. He talked about nation rising against nation. He talked about murder and betrayal. He talked about false prophets arising and the love of many waxing cold. In other words, He talked about the very things we are seeing in the world today.

Jesus warned us about these things so they wouldn’t take us by surprise—so we would know there would be trouble. But He also commanded us to see to it that we don’t let that trouble trouble us!

Upheld by the Word of His Power

How can we possibly obey that command? How can we possibly live in the middle of a world filled with danger and distress without it troubling us?

Those are fair questions and Jesus answered them in that very passage. He said: “Verily I say unto you, This generation shall not pass, till all these things be fulfilled. Heaven and earth shall pass away, but my words shall not pass away” (verses 34-35).

Thank God, no matter what is happening around us, the Word of God remains the same. It is the unchangeable force that upholds us in every time of trouble. It is the solid rock, the foundation that, if we build our lives upon it, will bring us safely through every storm (Matthew 7:24-25).

The Word of God is far more real, far more permanent than anything in this natural world. It is, in fact, the very power by which this world and everything in it exists. The Bible tells us that Jesus upholds all things—that’s right all things!—“by the word of his power” (Hebrews 1:3).

I used to wonder why God said it that way. Why didn’t He say that He upholds all things by the power of His Word? Then it dawned on me. If we were just depending on the power of God’s Word to see us through, we might find we needed Him to say something He hadn’t said yet. And if He hadn’t said it, the power of it wouldn’t be available to us yet.

But glory to God, He has already said everything that needs to be said! We’re not waiting on Him to say something. He’s already spoken and all things are being upheld by His words! Everything in the earth, every natural and spiritual force on this planet, is under the influence of what God has already said.

What Do You Say?

Psalm 119 confirms that fact. It says: “For ever, O Lord, thy word is settled in heaven. Thy faithfulness is unto all generations: thou hast established the earth, and it abideth. They continue this day according to thine ordinances: for all are thy servants” (verses 89-91).

What does that mean to you in these troublesome times? It means a great deal!

It means that in the midst of danger it’s already been settled in heaven that “There shall no evil befall thee, neither shall any plague come nigh thy dwelling” (Psalm 91:10). It means that in these times of financial failure it’s already been settled that you “shall not want any good thing” (Psalm 34:10). It means that when the rest of the world is failing around you, it is already settled that you will “triumph in Christ” (2 Corinthians 2:14).

Those are the words God has spoken about you as His child and they are settled forever in heaven. They are never going to change.

But here’s what you have to remember. You’re not living in heaven yet. You’re living on earth and to activate those words here, you must make sure that your heart agrees with God’s Word. Why? Because Jesus said it will be unto you according to your faith! (Matthew 9:29)

Heaven has already spoken. Now the earth is waiting to hear what you say.

Are you going to speak the Word of God? Or talk about the trouble around you? Are you going to agree with the heavenly decree? Or agree with the earthly circumstances?

Don’t Push the Envelope

You are living today in what you said yesterday. And tomorrow is waiting to hear what you say today. Your eternal destiny is being shaped and formed by your agreement with the Word of God that is upholding all things.

That’s always been true…but now that truth is becoming more crucial than ever before. The reason is simple. We’re running out of time. In years past, if we got our hearts and mouths out of line with God’s Word we had some time to get ourselves straightened out before we ran into the consequences of that disagreement. God, in His grace, would just keep dealing with us until we repented and got back into a place of faith.

Although God is still as gracious and merciful as He ever was, time is short. We’ve hit the end of the age and, frankly, many Christians are pushing the envelope. They’re letting the world fill their mouths and getting their hearts out of agreement with heaven, thinking one of these days they’ll change. One of these days (when circumstances get easier) they’ll start confessing the Word again.

But friend, we’ve hit the end times. Circumstances aren’t going to get easier. They’re going to get harder and we’re running out of days. We’re about to step into that time when we are permanently stuck with the consequences of our confession!

This is not the time to ignore Jesus’ words by saying things like, “I’m just so sick. I’m so worried.” When you say things like that you’re not agreeing with heaven—you’re agreeing with torment and trouble. You’re opening the door for those things to manifest in your life.

Jesus specifically told us not to do that. He said, “See that you be not troubled.” That wasn’t just some kind of Sunday school suggestion! It was a command from the Son of the living God instructing His disciples who would live in the last days. It was Jesus Himself speaking personally and emphatically to us!

Take Your Heritage

Now more than ever before, we must pay attention to His instructions. We must obey that command, take hold of the Word of God and refuse to let go of it. We must be like the writer of Psalm 119 who said: “Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path. I have sworn, and I will perform it, that I will keep thy righteous judgments. The wicked have laid a snare for me: yet I erred not from thy precepts. Thy testimonies have I taken as an heritage for ever: for they are the rejoicing of my heart” (verses 105-106, 110-111).

It’s not enough for us to just lie back and say, “Well, if it’s God’s will for me to have victory I guess He’ll just give it to me. If it’s His will for me to be healed, He’ll just heal me.”

No! It is His will. He did give it to you. By His stripes you were healed. Now you must take God’s Word as your heritage. You have to aggressively pursue it and get it in your heart and mouth. You have to fight off every unbelieving devil and every troublesome circumstance that comes to steal that Word and say, “Bless God, I have taken God’s promise as my heritage. It’s my future. It’s my life. I refuse to be troubled by the temporary troubles of this world. They’ll pass away but God’s Word will never pass away. God upholds all things by the Word of His power and that Word will come to pass in my life!”

Then just stay with the Word all the way to the end. No matter what happens around you, don’t turn back. Don’t change.

Fear not. Only believe. And you will see your way through these troubled times in triumph as the end-time overcomer God destined you to be.

Why I Live on the Believing Side of Life

by Kenneth Copeland

I’ve been called a lot of things over the years, and gullible is one of them.

Maybe I am gullible. But I would much rather be gullible than hardhearted.

For instance, if a guy came up to me and said he had fallen out of the space shuttle last week, drifted through outer space a couple days, then re-entered the earth’s atmosphere, splashed down in the Pacific Ocean and swam to California under the power of the Holy Spirit…of course in the natural, I’d pay no attention to a wild tale like that. But if the Holy Spirit is brought into it, that changes everything—I would believe him. At least, I would believe him until someone proved otherwise.

Now, I realize that some people might think it would be foolish to believe a story like that. But they can think what they like. I just make it a habit to always believe. I choose to live on the believing side of life.

I purpose to stay on the positive side…the side that says, “All things are possible!”

It’s a Matter of the Heart

We know of at least one time when Jesus got on to His disciples for being hardhearted. It all started when Thomas made a faithless decision after hearing reports about Jesus being raised from the dead. Thomas told his fellow disciples, “Except I shall see [Jesus]…I will not believe,” (John 20:25).

Well not long afterward, Jesus “appeared unto the eleven as they sat at meat, and upbraided them with their unbelief and hardness of heart, because they believed not them which had seen Him after He was risen,” (Mark 16:14).

Jesus called Thomas “faithless” (John 20:27). And rightly so. Thomas rejected the Word of God. He rejected the things Jesus had said for the past three years. And he rejected the testimonies he had heard of Jesus’ resurrection.

Thomas wasn’t the only one, however. The other disciples didn’t believe what Jesus had told them concerning His death and resurrection. They, too, rejected the testimonies of those who said they had seen Jesus alive.

So Jesus rebuked them all for their “hardness of heart.” Their hearts were hard because none of them was in the habit of believing.

Like many believers today, the disciples had processed almost everything they heard and saw through their minds, instead of their hearts.

Faith is an action word.

A lot of Christians fail to understand that faith is a definite, purposeful act of the heart. It is not a mental exercise.

Accepting something as fact, is not faith. That’s merely giving mental assent. It’s reasoning with your mind. You can mentally acknowledge that something is true and still never really believe it in your heart.

Real Bible faith is a matter of the heart, and it carries with it God-given responsibilities.

A man once went to Jesus for some help with his son.

“Master,” he called out to Jesus, “I have brought unto thee my son, which hath a dumb spirit; And wheresoever he taketh him, he teareth him: and he foameth, and gnasheth with his teeth, and pineth away…” (Mark 9:17-18).

Then he challenged Jesus with this statement: “If thou canst do any thing, have compassion on us, and help us” (verse 22).

When the father pleaded for compassion, Jesus threw the responsibility back on him, saying, “If thou canst believe, all things are possible to him that believeth” (verse 23).

The boy’s father was trying to get Jesus to do his believing for him. But Jesus cannot do that.

Finally the man broke down in tears and cried out, “Lord, I believe; help thou mine unbelief” (verse 24). He was believing in his heart, yet he was having trouble with it in his head. His heart was saying, I believe, I believe, I believe! But his mind was resisting.

Had this man known Proverbs 3:5, “Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding,” there would have been no problem with his head. He could have trusted more in his heart and less in his head.

In the end, when the father cried out in faith, “Lord, I believe,” he enabled Jesus to cast the deaf and dumb spirit out of his son and the boy was healed.

Jesus will do the work for you, but He cannot do the believing for you. You have to do that.

But remember, heart-faith grows out of God’s Word.

If you want to condition your heart to be in the habit of believing, then you must give God’s Word first place in your life. You must feed it into your heart constantly. And you have to realize that the Word is actually God speaking to you…personally. It’s not just a lot of information for your head to carry around.

Then, you must make the quality decision that your body and all its physical senses will never override the Word of God in any given situation.

If your body screams, I’m sick! I’m sick! I’m sick!…don’t allow that natural, physical evidence to be the final authority about what you believe. Go to the Word as your final authority. And the Word says, “By [Jesus’] stripes ye were healed” (1 Peter 2:24).

So abide in the Word and let the Word abide in you (John 15:7).

It will get out of your head and into your heart. It will get you out of the impossible and into the possible. You will get into the habit of living on the believing side of life

Believers’ Academy Helps Build a Strong, Spiritual Foundation

The verdict is in! A few weeks ago, we asked for your feedback about our online Believers’ Academy courses, and the response was overwhelming! Many of you wrote and shared how Believers’ Academy has blessed you, and even helped you discover foundational truths you thought you already knew.

Here are some of the tremendous stories we received from people just like you, who have taken Believers’ Academy courses:

“Have done this course and loved it. Made a major difference to my prayer life. Praying with purpose and getting results. Thank you.” – Bernadette

“It is great…hungry for more. PLEASE keep it going. It is really helping me.” – David

“I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE this new format! It is exciting; it enables me to study at my own pace. I have several lessons downloaded and am planning my schedule around the Word of God. Thank you so very much for following the Lord and placing this new arena of learning at my fingertips!!! God bless your ministry for many, many, many years to come.” – Sandra

“Yes, I love it. Thank you! I’ve taken 2 courses.”  – Pam

 “The Believers’ Academy has been a true blessing. The lessons really help me to better understand, what I thought I already knew. Thank you so much.” – Angela

“I absolutely love Believers’ Academy! I’ve been working my way through the courses, as I want to take all of them. I am also trying to share them as Bible studies with family gathered, so we can watch them together. I print extras of each course related handout and it’s fantastic. KCM has definitely been prepared for such as time as this. I know there are other ministries out there that are doing their best as well to educate and support the Body of Christ – God bless them too – but to my mind and heart, KCM is the top, the main ministry.  I believe your technology/web team and ministry/teaching/design teams are the absolute best (and I’m speaking as an IT person). KCM is family to me. I have been learning so much from all you provide… you are such a blessing. I hope you will continue to build on the courses and content. Thank you and God bless you for all you do!” – Karen

“I found the academy very user friendly and valuable in my studies. I want to thank you for allowing access to the excellent materials it contains. I will be using it even further in the near future as time allows. Again, thank you.” – Thomas

“I’ve been so thoroughly blessed by the Believers’ Academy! The videos and lesson materials are awesome! I’ve been taking the Faith course, and learning how to cultivate my faith to help me walk closer to God and receive His promises for my life. I have been speaking “faith words” and God has been blessing me tremendously!! God is so awesome! I have tasted and seen how good God is!! I have been sharing the information about KCM.org and the Believers’ Academy with members of my church and family. They have registered to become Partners. They are also taking courses in the Believers’ Academy and enjoying the WEALTH of information that KCM.org provides. May the blessings of God overtake all aspects of Kenneth Copeland Ministries and the Partners!” – Kelesha

“Just started it today on prayer and am planning on using it for our church midweek prayer and bible study. Thanks for making this available.” – James

“This has helped me so much. I love downloading the teachings and hearing them when I get off work. Thank you so much for making this available. Thank you.” – Susan

 “So excited to have this teaching. Didn’t know I didn’t know some of the basics. So very encouraging to have confirmation on what a believer is supposed to know. I have caught up on so many teachings through these lessons. It’s a wonderful feeling to have the joy of the Lord and the witness of the Holy Spirit through these teachings. I appreciate that the Lord is using Kenneth and Gloria Copeland and ALL the helpers and staff to bring the Word so open (free) and faithfully. I finally understand what is being taught and can see the connection to the continued teachings of the Word. Thank you so much!” – Christine

 “I just watched the first lesson on prayer and I was blessed. I want more…thanks for doing this. Somehow I lost my way and Kenneth’s teaching is so powerful. The word is life and the strong presentation is what I need to wake up and take my place as a believer.” – Maria

“It’s GREAT, WONDERFUL, MARVELOUS!!! I feel so blessed that God, through your ministry, has made available to us the teaching you have been so obedient and gracious to provide. My prayer for you is that God will bless me to be a blessing to and through your ministry and teaching in JESUS’ NAME, AMEN!” – Valerie

 “I am so blessed to enjoy your knowledge and to apply this to my life. Please do not take it down. I am also starting to teach my grandchildren using the one on faith.” – Merlyn

 “I just discovered the Academy online and I absolutely love it. The courses are very foundational and very easy to follow. I co-pastor alongside my husband and would love to take these lessons and teach to the congregation.” – Sherry

 “I truly enjoy the Believers’ Academy. It is a wealth of information, easy to access and very convenient. I have learned a great deal from watching it. Thank you.” – Kathleen

 Have you taken a course yet? If not, what are you waiting for? It’s easy to get started and it’s absolutely free. Click here to view our list of courses and begin building your strong, spiritual foundation today!

Spiritual Leaders Pray for Donald Trump on 9-28-15

Kenneth and Gloria were invited to meet with presidential candidate Donald Trump on Monday to give Mr. Trump a spiritual perspective about the most critical issues facing our nation. In this video, you can see Jewish and Christian leaders gathering around to pray for Mr. Trump. You can hear Kenneth specifically praying that God would give Mr. Trump wisdom according to James 1 and that God would reveal Himself to him.

One of the foundation principles of Christianity is prayer. As Christians, we are called to pray for all people, which includes not only those we love and care for, but also those we may not agree with, our enemies and all of those in authority. As we are obedient to sincerely pray as the Bible instructs, the door is opened for God to work in the hearts of those we pray for. 


Note: The Copeland’s attendance at this meeting does not mean that they are endorsing Trump. Brother Copeland is willing to pray with any candidate that asks for prayer, no matter what the party affiliation. This is according to I Timothy 2:1 & 2.